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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does Homeopathy really work ?

Millions of people worldwide who have used homeopathy say "Yes, it does!" With some simple guidance, you can help yourself and your family with daily health issues like cuts, bruises, fevers and minor infections. The best way to find out if homeopathy works is to try it for yourself. As homeopathy is very safe, we recommend you use it. For chronic or serious conditions, it is important that you contact a trained professional homeopath, as the process of prescribing at this level is complex. See our Distance programmes available on DVD.

2. What about vaccinations? Can they be replaced homeopathically?

Vaccinations are often likened by the medical profession to homeopathic remedies. However, they are vastly different. Vaccinations are crude substances containing toxins in large doses that once injected have immediate access to the immune system.

The idea is to create antibodies. By contrast, a homeopathic remedy is an infinitesimal dynamic dose of the substance which once ingested acts on the vital force to correct any imbalances. This is the principle that homeopathy is based on, "Like cures like."

Therefore, if a remedy is given when there is no correlating picture in the person, then the remedy will not act. Taking a homeopathic version of a vaccine will not produce antibodies, and will not affect the person at all unless there is a similar pattern in the recipient. For example, in a household where one child has measles, the other children could be given measles homeopathic nosode as a prophylactic, because it can be reasonably assumed that these other children have come into contact with the virus and therefore may have a corresponding imbalance in their vital force. This nosode will not act prophylactic ally unless contact with the virus has already occurred.

3. But what about Tetanus. It's a frightening thought, are you sure homeopathy will work for it?

It is always your decision as to whether you vaccinate or not. We recommend you investigate thoroughly both sides of the argument. Homeopathy cannot provide antibodies with a prophylactic.

For any injury where Tetanus could be a concern, it can be treated with homeopathy. For example, digging in the garden can produce an injury where tetanus could be considered a threat, but homeopathy has many remedies to deal with this.

4. What's the difference between Homeopathy and Naturopathy?

Naturopaths prescribe herbs, vitamins and minerals and advise on diet and lifestyle. Naturopaths sometimes do prescribe homeopathic remedies to be used alongside their other treatments, but they are not trained to provide a constitutional homeopathic remedy for a chronic condition.

5. Can homeopathy work in conjunction with conventional medicine?

Yes! The vast number of homeopathic patients are already under some sort of medical treatment. Homeopathy will still work for them, however, conventional medication may complicate the case.

It may suppress the symptoms of the case making it more difficult to see a clear picture for p[prescribing. Homeopaths cannot recommend that patients discontinue their medications. Patients must seek their doctors advice in this regard.

6. What about using homeopathy with other natural therapies?

Different homeopaths have different views on this, ask your homeopath what they think about it. There are many natural therapies to choose from, many which help people a great deal. It is up to you to investigate all therapies you choose to use carefully.

The only strong recommendation we have is that while under homeopathic treatment, no other homeopathic remedies are taken without the advise of your homeopath.